An integrated ecosystem for audiences – with curated content and a marketplace alongside it – creates the perfect domain for publishers to capture data, interpret it in the right way and act upon it.
In the Fiare-sponsored State of the Media 2017 report, data emerged as the second-highest answer to the question: “Which of these do you feel will be the most difficult for your business to implement in 2017?” With the right approach, it can be a key competitive advantage. Furthermore, a marketplace can provide the perfect environment to capture this data.
At Digital Media Strategies, Time Inc’s Powder presented themselves as a perfect example of how to compile a rich set of data to build a deeply-rooted, valuable customer profile. Bethany Ostacchini, chief of this beauty portal, stressed that the focus is delivering context and personalised content but not cutting off the opportunities for discovery at the same time. They provide a fully-integrated experience which encourages visitors to stay on the site and more importantly, provide information about themselves to further enhance the experience.
A marketplace provides the perfect environment to emulate this – providing a seamless user experience if placed alongside content which the user enjoys and resonates with. If you have a domain which provides your audience with everything they could possibly wish for and further, target them appropriately when they are spending time with you, this represents a lucrative opportunity. We know how to create these specialist hubs and collate the information for publishers to continue managing these relationships.
A marketplace is a powerful tool to attract users and fundamentally, for them to spend time with you – browsing, viewing related articles and adverts in a natural context. As a bi-product of this time spent, we can see what the people are looking for, what kind of enquiries are sent, and in which product categories or regions. The process of looking through a site’s inventory, reading related articles and sending enquiries through to advertisers provides an opportunity to log information on that user. They have a natural reason to sign up for alerts where the publisher can get them to log-in, thereby accessing data to potentially use for email campaigns. Users can sign up to be notified when a certain product or further information becomes available, which provides another avenue to keep consumers coming back repeatedly.
The development and project management expertise on hand at Fiare, combined with the market-leading hardware and software configurations we use to support our platform, will ensure that you are left with a strong, flexible, future-proof marketplace that enables your business to perform. This includes enabling you to get the full picture with regard to the information you collate about your site visitors.
The ‘State of the Media 2017’ report is still available for download here.