software as a service

Fiare the ‘Achievers’: Marketplace specialists recognised as one of Finland’s successful, growing companies

Fiare has been awarded the 'Growth Company 2017' award - a prestigious new company certificate based on Kauppalehti's annual ‘Achievers’ series, which analyses the financial success of Finnish companies.   Obtaining the certificate requires that the company's financial performance is among the best in its industry and in Finland. Less than 2% of Finnish companies ... Fiare the ‘Achievers’: Marketplace specialists recognised as one of Finland’s successful, growing companies

The Flyer relaunch site with Fiare

If you are Miami or Tampa-based and looking to buy or sell pretty much anything, from furniture, clothing, and sports equipment, to machinery, apartments, and businesses - The Flyer is the place for you. The newly-renovated site is powered by Fiare and makes buying, selling and renting easier than ever before.   The Flyer is ... The Flyer relaunch site with Fiare