media briefing

Diversifying revenue streams – essential for publishers today

Digital Media Strategies – Insight from Fiare   Hot topics at this year’s DMS Europe event ranged from the art of storytelling, publishers implementing in-house studios to create their own video content, leveraging effective brand partnerships and so very much more. Overall, there was an overriding sense of optimism for the industry – stemming from ... Diversifying revenue streams – essential for publishers today

Digital Media Strategies 2017 – sponsored by Fiare

DMS 2017
Fiare are a main sponsor of the upcoming Digital Media Strategies Europe 2017 event by The Media Briefing. The conference runs from February 20th-23rd at King’s Place, London. Digital Media Strategies is the leading strategic business gathering for the European media industry. It is one of the pioneer conferences focused on publishers, magazine, newspaper, digital ... Digital Media Strategies 2017 – sponsored by Fiare