Renewal Badische Zeitung's Marketplace

The leading media company from South Baden in Germany is working once again with Fiare. Badische Zeitung awarded Fiare to renovate and renew their classified marketplace


Fiare’s accomplished work with Badische Zeitung’s multi-vendor real estate marketplace made it effortless for the foremost newspaper in Germany to choose Fiare’s team and the platform once more. Badische Zeitung is assured that Fiare delivers flexible services and a well-performing platform. The advantages were not only the familiarity of working with the team but also the familiarity with website features providing users with comfortable site navigation.


Like, Fiare has equipped with intuitive dashboards, time-saving features, security integrations, anonymity ID, and more. The notable features to mention are:

  • Customised Ad packages to ensure that customer finds the right deal for their needs.
  • The Single Sign-On authentication process elevates user experience and improves security by decreasing the likelihood of a password-related hack.
  • The availability of Cipher ID for anonymity requirement for some users encourages them to advertise on the site.
  • The online-to-print and print-to-online functions are specifically integrated into back-end systems.
  • Integration of SAP system for prices and information.

“Working with Fiare has been an enjoyable ride. We had a clear vision of functionalities, UX and design. Fiare has managed to implement our ideas and connect them to their solution. The biggest challenge was to find a solution for online to print”


Karsten Bader – Head of Sales – Classifieds, Badische Zeitung is continuously developed to provide a better user experience for the people of Südbaden.

About is a classified advertisements marketplace for simply everything with sections dedicated to cars, electronics, clothing, items wanted, jobs, services, notices, announcements, and more. Badische Zeitung includes advertisement in their Thursday edition.

Key Facts

The online-to-print feature reduces manual processing by taking data directly from the online ad and publishing it in the newspaper.


The print-to-online function provides a seamless transition from a print system to online ads, made possible by XML feeds


Fiare’s flexible services and powerful platform made it easy for Badische Zeitung to win the contract to redesign


The Classified’s average page impressions is approximately 220,000 per month


Integration of the ERP system for prices and other information.


API interface to real estate agent software and a connection to the Search API.


Badische Zeitung wants to give customers the option of anonymity. Instead of publishing advertisers’ contact data, the platform, therefore, provides a box number ID. If someone wants to respond to an ad with a box number ID, they must send their request to the publisher using the box number, who will then pass the information on to the advertiser in confidence.

About Badische Zeitung

The Badische Zeitung is a local German newspaper with residence in Freiburg. The distribution is in Freiburg with the areas Breisgau- Hochschwarzwald, Emmendingen, Lörrach and Waldshut, the southern part of Ortenaukreises as well as part of the Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreises.


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Kirsi Johansson

Kirsi Johansson
+358 40 745 2100

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Jari Lempinen
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Juha Nurmela
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