Fiare Global Summit 18: Final Agenda

With the Fiare Global Summit only 2 days away, we are delighted to announce new speakers in the lineup. There will be a session on the broad themes, trends and issues companies in various markets are facing in marketplaces and the classifieds industry. In addition, there will be a presentation on silent selling for marketplaces – with commercial real estate as the contextual focus.


Katja Riefler – Principal Managing Director at AIM Group is ideally positioned to comment on the classifieds industry and digital marketplaces overall. The AIM Group, formally the Advanced Interactive Media Group LLC, is the world’s leading consultancy in interactive media and classified advertising. They publish the Classified Intelligence Report, a continuous advisory service known as “the bible of the classified advertising industry.” The AIM Group / Classified Intelligence consultants are leaders in their industries.


Hannu Käki will also present on silent selling for marketplaces, with a particular focus on commercial real estate. His company, Real Source, is the fast, easy and safe meeting place for real estate professionals and private investors active on the Finnish market. Hannu also manages – a closed real estate sales platform for the Capital Markets segment serving the brokers, investors and banks. One secure platform for the entire community.


You can view the agenda in full below.



Welcome words
Tommi Heikkonen, CEO @ Fiare – 09.00 – 09.15


What’s happening in marketplace business
Katja Riefler, Principal Managing Director @ AIM Group – 09:15 – 10.00


How a marketplace can benefit from AI
Dr. Mari-Sanna Paukkeri, CEO @ Utopia Analytics – 10.00 – 10.45


The importance of data analysis for marketplaces
Dr. Kristian Ovaska, Senior data scientist @ Valuemotive – 11.00 – 11.45


What to expect from FiareAds: 2018 and beyond
Jan Bechstein, Product Manager @ Fiare – 13.00 – 13.45


Silent selling in a marketplace.
Case: Commercial real estate
Hannu Käki, CEO @ Real Source – 13.45 – 14.15


FiareAds usergroup share best practices
14.45 – 16.15


16.15 – 16.30


Private cruise
17.00 – 21.00


Rooftop drinks & sauna party
21.00 – Late



In addition to the new content, there is also a change of venue. To accommodate greater numbers the conference will be held in Sandis conference room at the Clarion hotel.

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Kirsi Johansson

Kirsi Johansson
+358 40 745 2100

Marketplace Solutions
International Vehicle Trade

Jari Lempinen

Jari Lempinen
+358 44 588 9651
[email protected]

Sales Director
Finland Vehicle Trade

Juha Nurmela

Juha Nurmela
+358 50 589 0195
[email protected]

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