
Fiare Global Summit 18: Final Agenda

With the Fiare Global Summit only 2 days away, we are delighted to announce new speakers in the lineup. There will be a session on the broad themes, trends and issues companies in various markets are facing in marketplaces and the classifieds industry. In addition, there will be a presentation on silent selling for marketplaces ... Fiare Global Summit 18: Final Agenda

Fiare attending ICMA Spring Conference

  Fiare are attending this year's ICMA Spring Conference in Vienna (03-04 May, 2018). This leading marketplace event is the perfect environment to hear of industry trends, best practices and meet influential figures in their respective markets.   The ICMA Spring Conference 2018 will deliver two days of dedicated plenary sessions, panels and debates. There ... Fiare attending ICMA Spring Conference

Fiare Global Summit: Back for 2018

After a hugely successful inauguration in 2017, the Fiare Global Summit is back. This year's conference will take place on Thursday 17th May, 2018 in Helsinki.      The sessions are on hot topics for marketplaces including AI and other innovative technologies which will affect experiences and content consumption. Data analysis specific to marketplaces will be ... Fiare Global Summit: Back for 2018

Fiare & Team Finland hit South Africa

  Fiare is among the companies which form the Finnish Business Delegation for a Team Finland trip to South Africa this week, March 13-16. Leading Finnish companies in their respective fields join the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development on an expedition to further strengthen the business links between the two nations.   The Finnish ... Fiare & Team Finland hit South Africa


  We're just months away from one of the most significant changes ever to online privacy, and Fiare has been working hard to make sure we are prepared. The General Data Protection Regulation, better known as GDPR, goes into effect on May 25th, 2018.   Fiare has finalised the changes and additions required to the ... GDPR-eady!

SDZ Druck und Medien GmbH expands its portfolio with real estate portal operated by Fiare

- SDZ Druck und Medien GmbH, the largest media service provider in the Ostalb region, has expanded its product range with a digital real estate platform - For the implementation and portal design, the media company selected Fiare as its’ partner     SDZ Druck und Medien GmbH, with its two daily newspapers Schwäbische Post ... SDZ Druck und Medien GmbH expands its portfolio with real estate portal operated by Fiare

Fiare become Standard Technology Partner in the AWS Partner Network

Fiare is a Standard Technology Partner in the Amazon Web Services Partner Network (APN).
Fiare is now a Standard Technology Partner in the Amazon Web Services Partner Network (APN). A specialist division within the team is tasked with conducted large AWS transfer projects to ensure its clients' digital marketplace businesses are in the optimum environment to perform. Amazon Web Services is a subsidiary of that provides on-demand cloud computing ... Fiare become Standard Technology Partner in the AWS Partner Network

Development Team bolstered by Bechstein

  The Product Development team at Fiare will be guided by a new pair of hands, as Jan Bechstein joins the team as Product Manager.   Jan's previous work experience includes looking after Central European markets for Mascus - the machinery marketplace. Before his professional roles, he studied Technical Documentation and Media Engineering in Hannover, ... Development Team bolstered by Bechstein

Fiare the ‘Achievers’: Marketplace specialists recognised as one of Finland’s successful, growing companies

Fiare has been awarded the 'Growth Company 2017' award - a prestigious new company certificate based on Kauppalehti's annual ‘Achievers’ series, which analyses the financial success of Finnish companies.   Obtaining the certificate requires that the company's financial performance is among the best in its industry and in Finland. Less than 2% of Finnish companies ... Fiare the ‘Achievers’: Marketplace specialists recognised as one of Finland’s successful, growing companies