Springer Nature BDJ Marketplace

Case Studies / Springer Nature BDJ Marketplace

Bringing Specialist Business Professionals Together

British Dental Journal (BDJ)’s Marketplace brings together the businesses, specialists, products and services within the dental industry. BDJ Marketplace offers everything you need to find and advertise anything associated with dentistry – from practises, properties, equipment and services (including education and training events for dentists, associates and Dental Care Partners).


BDJmarketplace.com is a specialist B2B marketplace which enables business partners to find each other. The site serves as a central hub so that all stakeholders within a niche sector can engage with one another. This shows that a clearly-focused niche market can be a great opportunity to find the products or partners needed more efficiently. For the advertisers, the service provides quality leads, contacts and helps build relationships as well as drive revenue.


With the Solutions, users enjoy a fast, fully mobile-enabled site with smooth navigation and functionality. For advertisers, it provides an effective channel to contact specialists with a variety of advertising packages available.

About Springer Nature & British Dental Journal Marketplace

Springer Nature is a scientific publishing company created by the May 2015 merger of Springer Science+Business Media and Holtzbrinck Publishing Group’s Nature Publishing Group, Palgrave Macmillan, and Macmillan Education. In BDJ Marketplace users can find or advertise dental equipment or services, property or education and training courses.

About Macmillan Publishers

Macmillan Publishers is a global trade publishing company with imprints in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, and around the world. It is owned by Holtzbrink Publishing Group and is now the world’s largest academic book publisher, focusing on science and education. The company employs 13,000 staff in over 50 countries and has a turnover of approximately EUR 1.5 billion.

About The British Dental Association

The British Dental Association (BDA) is the professional association and trade union for dentists in the United Kingdom. As an organisation that is owned entirely by its members and with no external shareholders, the BDA is able to focus solely on its mission to promote the interests of its members; advance the science, arts and ethics of dentistry; and improve the nation’s oral health. The role of the British Dental Journal is to inform its readers of ideas, opinions, developments and key issues in dentistry – clinical, practical and scientific – stimulating interest, debate and discussion amongst dentists of all disciplines.

Key Facts

The UK’s Leading Website for Non-Recruitment Dental Classified Advertising


4 times as many dentists look at the classified section of the BDJ than any other dental publication


Provides a one stop shop for buying and selling dental practises, properties, products and services


74% of readers state they have taken action after seeing an advertisement or article in BDJ


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Kirsi Johansson

Kirsi Johansson
+358 40 745 2100

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