Puro.earth: The First Carbon Removal Marketplace for Business

The increasing awareness of carbon neutrality has impacted individuals and organisations all over the world. But is limiting our carbon footprint enough to stop global warming?

Here in Fiare, we are proud to announce that we are a solution provider of Puro.earth. Puro is the world’s first voluntary carbon removal marketplace for businesses.

The Marketplace to Fight Climate Change


Reducing carbon emissions is not enough; we need to remove them from the atmosphere. Puro is the marketplace where climate-conscious companies meet carbon removal suppliers and together speed up the development of CO2 removals. Through the unique use of the marketplace platform, businesses work towards one goal – Fighting Climate Change.


“Fiare’s platform provided Puro.earth the ability to match climate proactive companies who want to neutralize their carbon emissions with carbon removal suppliers. The platform helps our mission to foster a global carbon removal ecosystem 

Antti Vihavainen, Puro.earth co-founder.

The Puro website uses Fiare’s white label solution – FiareAds which enables B2B online transactions and manages the purchases of CO2 removal certificates.

“Puro is the perfect example of utilizing FiareAds as a B2B marketplace platform and a way to trade non-physical goods. We are continuously looking for new innovative ideas where our FiareAds marketplace solution can be utilized and help sellers and buyers to meet each other online. And more than anything else, we are proud to contribute to the fight for the global climate crisis.”

Kirsi Johansson, Managing Director Fiare Solutions Oy

The Carbon Removal Marketplace

Reduction and removal of carbon are crucial in reversing climate change. Puro helps companies reach carbon net-zero by making CO2 removals verified, comparable and tradable. Through independent verification, Puro provides credible CO2 removal certificates (CORCs). Each CORC corresponds to one metric ton of CO2 removed and stored away from the atmosphere for at least 50 years.

How does it work?


  1. Suppliers develop technology to capture and bind carbon dioxide.
  2. An independent third party will verify the removals and produce CORCs. The certificates confirm that one ton of CO2 has been removed from the atmosphere.
  3. Climate-conscious companies can buy certificates from Puro to offset emissions.
  4. After the trade, buyers can activate their CORCs and use them in sustainability reporting and developing carbon-neutral products and services.

Book A Consultation with Fiare Experts

Whether you’re looking to expand internationally or grow your presence in Finland, we’re ready to support your journey. Please fill out the form or contact our team.

Kirsi Johansson

Kirsi Johansson
+358 40 745 2100

Marketplace Solutions
International Vehicle Trade

Jari Lempinen

Jari Lempinen
+358 44 588 9651
[email protected]

Sales Director
Finland Vehicle Trade

Juha Nurmela

Juha Nurmela
+358 50 589 0195
[email protected]

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