Archives: Case Studies

Autotrader Lebanon Case Studies / Page 2 Pioneers of the Online Automotive MarketplaceAutonemo was the brainchild of Entrepreneurs Neil Seymour and Mohamad Mobarak. In creating an automotive focused e-commerce platform in countries that lacked an effective solution Autonemo from Neil and Mohamad was born.   Mohamad quickly identified Lebanon as the first target market. Car ownership ... Autotrader Lebanon

SDZ Druck und Medien GmbH

Case Studies / Page 2 Digital Real Estate Revenue for Local Newspapers SDZ Druck und Medien GmbH, with its two daily newspapers Schwäbische Post and Gmünder Tagespost, was aiming to launch a digital real estate marketplace to enhance its position as the leading media company in the Ostalb region.   The concept for the real ... SDZ Druck und Medien GmbH

Nettiaseet Case Studies / Page 2 Nettiaseet: Finland's Most Reliable Shooting and Hunting MarketplaceNettiaseet is Finland's most reliable multi-vendor shooting and hunting marketplace. Whether new or used firearms or gears, Nettiaseet is committed to providing a dedicated trading platform for enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.   Hunting has been part of Finland's tradition and is necessary to ... Nettiaseet

Yrityspörssi Case Studies / Page 2 Yrityspörssi: Marketplace For Buying and Selling BusinessIn the 2010s, Finland's largest organisation for small-medium enterprises, Suomen Yrittäjät, saw a need in the market to help business sellers and buyers to connect with each other. Businesses owned by the Baby Boomer Generation was getting closer to their retirement and there ... Yrityspörssi

Plantacus Case Studies / Page 2 Plantacus the First Multivendor Gardening Marketplace in FinlandPlantacus, the first Multi-Vendor Gardening Marketplace in Finland, was built when owners Tuomas Heimonen and Pasi Käkelä recognised the lack of digital venues for the gardening and horticulture industry. Gardening and horticulture is the artistic cultivation of ornamental plants, fruits, vegetables, and ... Plantacus

Daltons Business Case Studies / Page 2 The Right Partner, The Right Path... Daltons Business, the UK’s largest business-for-sale marketplace, was at a crossroads regarding whether to renovate their site in-house or to find a partner. Should they select a software provider, this vendor would need expertise and a proven track-record in building successful online marketplaces. ... Daltons Business

IWANNA Case Studies / Page 2 Boosting Digital Revenue To Compliment PrintTo the people of the Carolinas, the name "IWANNA" is synonymous with classified advertising. Since the first edition came out in April 1976, IWANNA experienced phenomenal growth -- from a 4-page paper to issues of over 300 pages and thousands of classified and display ... IWANNA

The Flyer

Case Studies / Page 2 Helping Local Print Media Unlock Local Digital Revenue If you are Miami or Tampa-based and looking to buy or sell pretty much anything, from furniture, clothing, and sports equipment, to machinery, apartments, and businesses - is the place for you. The site is powered by the FiareAds platform and makes buying, selling and ... The Flyer

Friday Ad

Case Studies / Page 2 Complex Background Systems? Challenge Accepted! is the flagship site of Friday Media Group, boasting over 362,000 ads placed each week. They’re passionate about recycling unwanted goods, upcycling and re-use. The Friday Ad service helps you sell no-longer-needed belongings, or find the perfect item at an amazing price. Their aim is to ... Friday Ad

Dennis Publishing

Case Studies / Page 2 Accelerating Towards Your Business Objectives Octane is the leading quality monthly magazine that focuses on the world's greatest classic and performance cars. Octane Media’s experienced editorial team create a wealth of content which collectively has been described as 'the best classic car magazine in the world'. However, back in 2014, the ... Dennis Publishing